Taman Nasional Wakatobi is Charming

Taman Nasional Wakatobi is Charming


Taman Nasional Wakatobi is Charming

For tourists who love the beauty of the underwater world can do some activities in Taman Nasional Wakatobi, such as diving, snorkeling and swimming to see the beautiful coral reefs and a variety of underwater animals and also witnessed a wide range of local culture.

Wakatobi National Park is one of 50 national parks in Indonesia, which is located in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi.

This national park is set in 2002, with a total area of 1.39 million ha, involving marine biodiversity, scale and condition of coral; which occupies one of the highest priority for marine conservation in Indonesia.

The water depth in this national park is varied, the deepest reaching 1,044 meters below sea level.

Various types of coral reefs in Taman Nasional Wakatobi

In this garden there is a panoramic underwater natural beauty which has 25 pieces of coral reef.

Coral reefs can be found around 112 species of 13 families located on 25 points along the 600 km coastline. The type of coral include:
  • Acropora formosa
  • Hyacinthus
  • Psammocora profundasafla
  • Pavona cactus
  • Leptoseris yabei
  • Fungia molucensis
  • Lobophyllia robusta
  • Merulina ampliata
  • Platygyra versifora
  • Euphyllia glabrescens
  • Tubastraea frondes
  • Stylophora pistillata
  • Sarcophyton throchelliophorum
  • Sinularia spp.

Taman Nasional Wakatobi, Present Form

We can enjoy the natural beauty of Wakatobi National Park, in the form of :
  1. Coral reefs 
  2. Fish 
  3. OthersAnimals 
  4. Features 
  5. Pulau Hoga

History tour in Wakatobi

Pulau Wangi- Wangi

  1. Benteng Tindoi is one of the attractions budayaberada in Sub-Wangi Wangi, within ± 5 Km, can be reached by two-wheeled vehicles and four wheels for ± 15 minutes from the city center. 
  2. Benteng Liya and Mesjid Keraton Liya, Village is located in the district. Wangi Wangi-South. Liya fortress consists of four layers with 12 Lawa (Doors), 12 of the cross beam is used exit royal society to interact with the surrounding society. Inside the fort there are mosques Keraton Liya within 8 km or 15 minutes from the Capital District, can be reached by means of two and four-wheeled transport.
  3. Benteng Mandati Tonga is located in the Village District of Wangi-Wangi Mandati South. The fort was rectangular in shape with an area of ± 1 hectare. The highest fence fortress around 7 meters located in the west and south.
  4. Benteng Togo Molengo located on the summit of Mount kapota Island, can be reached ± 20 minutes using traditional boats of Wangi-Wangi, then two-wheelers ± 10 minutes.
  5. Lighthouse, This lighthouse was built in 1901 in the Dutch colonial period. This tourist location in the village of Waha District of Wangi-Wangi, with a range of ± 8 km or from the Capital District and can be reached by two-wheeled vehicles ± 15 minutes.

Pulau Keledupa

  1. Makam Tua and Kamali, tomb in the village of Pale'a District of South Kaledupa.
  2. Benteng Ollo and Mesjid Tua, historical sites of cultural heritage of society in Kaledupa which until now maintained and preserved by the local community. Inside the fort there is a mosque Ollo Old measuring 6.5 x 7 meters. 
  3. Benteng La Donda is one of the historical sites Kaldupa society culture heritage.

Pulau Tomia

  1. Bbenteng Patua is one of the cultural history of the community sites Tomia. 
  2. Benteng Suo-suo, located in the village district. Tomia east, within ± 3 km from the capital district, can be reached from the capital district.
  3. Mesjid Tua Onemay is located in the Village District of Tomia Onemay.

Pulau Binongko

  1. Benteng Palahidu is one of the historical heritage Binongko community located in the Village District of Binongko Palahidu. Benteng Palahidu situated on a cliff top coastal northern part of the Pulau Binongko.
  2. Benteng Waliis one of the historical sites Binongko Togo heritage society.
Taman Nasional Wakatobi is Charming Taman Nasional Wakatobi is Charming Reviewed by Unknown on 10:11 PM Rating: 5

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