Paradise Park Taman Nasional Bunaken

Paradise Park Taman Nasional Bunaken


Paradise Park Taman Nasional Bunaken

Where the paradise garden Bunaken

Taman Nasional Bunaken is a marine park located in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. 

The park is located in the Coral Triangle, a habitat for 390 species of reef and also different species of fish, mollusks, reptiles and marine mammals. 

Kruger National Park is representative of Indonesian marine ecosystems, including seagrass meadows, coral reefs and coastal ecosystems.

This national park was established in 1991 and covers an area of 890.65 km². 97% of this national park is the habitat of the sea, while the remaining 3% is land, includes five islands: Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehage, Naen and Siladen.

Flora and fauna

Bunaken National Park has a coral reef ecosystem is very rich. 

There are about 390 species of coral reefs in the region. 

Algae species that can be found in Taman Nasional Bunaken is Caulerpa, Halimeda and Padina, while the seaweed species that were encountered are Thalassia hemprichii, acoroides acoroides, and Thalassaodendron ciliatum. 

Taman Nasional Bunakenalso has a variety of fish species, marine mammals, reptiles, birds, molluscs and mangrove. About 90 species of fish living in the waters of this region.

On the mainland, the island is rich in Arecaceae, sago, woka, silar and coconut. 

Additionally, Bunaken National Park also has animal species that live on the mainland, such as deer and fitch. 

The mangrove forest in the park is a habitat for crabs, lobsters, molluscs and sea birds.

Spot Diving at Bunaken Marine Park

The beauty of Bunaken marine park can be seen at the location called Lekuan 1, 2, 3, fukui, mandolin, cape parigi, ron's point, Sachiko point, Pangalisang, face east village and Bunaken. 

In addition there are many more dive spots located on Bunaken marine park, because Bunaken itself has 40 dive sites varying depths that provide various types of tropical fish and coral reefs.

Regions which was inaugurated in 1991 as a national marine park also offers other beauty that is the great underwater walls or walls of giant rock, which stands curved upwards.

Facilities and Accommodation

For those of you who want to linger to explore the Bunaken you need not worry because here you will easily meet accommodation ranging from price to quality backpaker star hotels. 

In addition, to support your activities during the tour in bunaken, you can also find a boat rental / seedboat, tool snorkeling / diving equipment and underwater cameras to capture your activities while under the sea.

Tourism activities in Bunaken Island Region

Activities that can be done in many Bunaken island is snorkeling or diving, so you can enjoy the beauty of Bunaken intact and clear, here there are approximately 23 dive sites can be visited.

Underwater scenery Bunaken very charming indeed very dear to pass away, various types of coral species is fabulous with a unique shape forming indentations indentations beautiful make your eyes will be dazzled by it, in addition to the beauty resulting from the tunnel - tunnel petite existing under the sea, make this place a paradise underwater impossible to find elsewhere. 


The best dive sites are located around Bunaken and Manado Tua is as follows.

1. Bunaken Timor
Bunaken Timor is one of the snorkel recommended, but keep in mind this place has strong underwater currents. 

You'll find a lot of species of fish that live in this area. In addition, some types of coral reefs also decorate the underwater charm although perhaps not as spectacular the other. 

But you can see the life of eagle rays, sharks, turtles, and some big fish that swim to and fro, not just the scenery that are served by strands of seaweed and small caves that adorn the walls - the walls will hypnotize anyone who witnessed the scenic spot this.

2. Mandolin
Mandolin is a marine park that has rock walls and peaks inhabited by thousands of fish that live bergerombolan like unicornfish, surgeonfish, bannerfish, and fish shooter. 

The fish - the fish here are very tame so easy to approach.

3. Muka Gereja
Just like other snorkeling spots in Bunaken, Muka Gerejah is a very beautiful place that is a pity to miss here there are also many thousands of fish are in shallow waters as well as the trough - trough that stretched toward the wall - the sea wall.

4. Puncak Barakuda
Puncak Barakuda is one snorkel spot located in the farthest northwest Bunaken. 

this place you'll find a bunch of giant barracuda swimming in between tuna and jacks. Therefore this place is called the Puncak Barakuda.

5. The Ruins ship in Manado
Ruins Ships the next location is in Manado, which have a size of vessel length of 60 m is situated below the sea at a depth of 78 feet or about 23 meters under the sea. 

It is said that this ship was once a merchant vessel owned by Germany which sank in 1942 near Molas Beach. 

The vessel split in the middle section, exposing the wheelhouse and the handle cargo, this place visibility can be reached in about 10 to 15 m.

6. Siladen
The next snorkel spot Siladen. This place has a wall - smooth rock walls and form a beautiful scene and will look alive when the current comes. 

Location shallow Sea shows its own beauty with fishes and schooling snappers.

7. Tanjung coffee
Other places that can be used as a diving destination is Cape Coffee. Tanjung Kopi is a small wall which is also widely inhabited by a swarm of barracuda and fish sweetlip. 

This place visibility in shallow water location not so good, but what makes this place interesting is the large number of fish that you can observe. 

One example of a species of fish that live in this place is Nudi branch Fish and Fish Fire Gobi.

8. Wall Lekuan (I, II, III)
Wall Lekuan (I, II, III) is a long wall that is in Bunaken, where it is divided into three locations: a Lekuan I, II, and III. Third - all three have a marine park that could be said to be the best of places - nowhere else in Bunaken. 

Wall Lekuan has walls - the walls are steep and loopholes - loopholes wall in, not only that here you will find a fan of the sea and sponge giant and several locations shallow and filled with fish Brother Old Big clustered in groups and turtle - sea turtle in this area.
Paradise Park Taman Nasional Bunaken Paradise Park Taman Nasional Bunaken Reviewed by Unknown on 2:17 AM Rating: 5

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