Mandeh charming natural attractions in West Sumatra (Indonesia)

Mandeh charming natural attractions in West Sumatra (Indonesia)

Mandeh is a charming tourist area in West Sumatra (Indonesia). Tourism Regions Mandeh is a tourist area located in the district of Koto XI Tarusan, South Coastal bounded directly to the city of Padang. 

This area is only 56 km from Padang Luas ± 18,000 ha and takes about 56 minutes. Tourism Regions Mandeh encompasses 7 villages in three villages inhabited by 9931 inhabitants with subsistence farming, herding and fishing. 

Regional attractions Mandeh (Mandeh Resort) are well-known national and international levels with foreign investment (Italy), develop a tourist resort known as Cubadak Paradiso. 

Even Mandeh Region has become a major destination tourism sector maritime policy which was added Rencana Induk Pengembangan Pariwisata Nasional (RIPPNAS).

Mandeh charming natural attractions in West Sumatra (Indonesia)

Mandeh region is a blend of natural hills the beauty of the bay is decorated with a cluster of small islands which is in the middle of the bay Carocok Tarusan. 

No wonder if this Mandeh Region famous in Indonesia and internationally. From the peak you can see clusters Mandeh Traju Island, Small Devil's Island, Sironjong large and small, as well as the island Cubadak and gradation of the seawater which adds to the beauty of this Mandeh Region. 

This region dubbed by “ The Paradise in the South”, meaning in the southern province of West Sumatra. 

In heaven all is peace to be had. Locals take advantage of the tranquility and peace of this bay with sai, diving, and sailing with fishing boats. 

Even tourists who come here often use this marine lake for swimming from one island to another, of course also to dive, witness the beauty of the seabed with various forms and types of shellfish and fish that live there.

How to island Mandeh

Mandeh region can be reached by sea and road. When the boat ride / boat to Port Bungus, Gaung, Teluk Bayur or ports Muara Padang as well as the Gulf Tarusan. 

Whereas if by road,There are three alternatives from 3 different roads :

  1. The first alternative of Market Carocok Tarusan intersections.
  2. The second alternative of Bungus continue to Sungai Pinang and Sungai Nyalo.
  3. The latest road section is passing Carocok, then along the shoreline and gentle hills along the 12.5 Km.
Mandeh charming natural attractions in West Sumatra (Indonesia) Mandeh charming natural attractions in West Sumatra (Indonesia) Reviewed by Unknown on 12:31 AM Rating: 5

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