6 Travel you can enjoy in the Tana Toraja

There are 6 tourist attractions which you can enjoy in the Tana Toraja, let's discuss one by one:

6 Travel you can enjoy in the Tana Toraja 

1. Londa

Londa is a tomb complex located on a rock cliff. Londa has become one of the attractions in Tana Toraja that you must visit.

Londa terletak kurang lebih sekitar 7 km di selatan Kota Rantepao. Rantepao city is a city Yang Being Alone Tourism Centre As well as accommodation For tourists Coming To Tana Toraja. 

Its strategically located MADE singer Londa can be visited different KIND WITH transportation such as taxis, minibus, OR was a rental car.

It is surrounded by mountains makes the atmosphere around Londa became cool and tend to be rather cold. Upon entering the Londa area, you will experience a different feel. A blend of mystique and cool weather tends to be cold.

Along the cliffs in the cemetery Londa, there are caves or holes that are deliberately created and sculpted to place the coffin containing the corpse. 

Not just any coffin containing the body may be placed in the cave that is in this Londa. Typically, placement arrangements coffin adjusted to the family line.

Interestingly, in every cave or hole in the rock wall is placed a row of wooden statues, called Tau-Tau. Rows of wooden sculpture is not an ordinary statue but a statue carved and sculpted in such a way to resemble the deceased person is placed in the cave.

The process of carving and chisels were not arbitrary. Every detail the faces of people who had died were also noted eg wrinkles or sagging lines exist on the face.

Not only that, the wood is selected to serve as the statue was a yellow jackfruit wood and closer to human skin color. Rows of this statue seems to be the "keeper" burial cave at a time representation of the identity of the bodies which are generally located on the tombstone.

Around a row of Tau-Tau also contained the coffins or commonly called erong whose position is supported by the timber. Propped up by wooden coffins located at the top of a steep cliff that will be safe and not fall. Coffins is what is called a hanging tomb.

For the people of Tana Toraja, erong coffin or buried by hanging this is a special crate for the nobility and the nobility who died. The high location of the placement of the coffin in the cliff adapted to rank or degree of the nobility. 

The higher the degree or title of the deceased nobleman, the higher is also the location of the casket was placed in the rock.

Tana Toraja appropriate public confidence, the higher the location of grave sites corpse, the faster also arwaah of the corpse to heaven or nirvana.

2. Batutumonga

Want to visit the land above the clouds? Come to Batutumonga in Tana Toraja. Batutumonga is a region located on the slopes of Mount Sesean or is about 24 km from the city of Rantepao.

Sesean mountain itself is the highest mountain in Tana Toraja. Not to get to the top of Mount Sesean, quite area mountainside precisely in Batutumonga, you can already see the whole Tana Toraja perfect beauty.

From Batutumonga, you can also see extensive rice fields are cohesive with a panorama of the mountain, trees, clouds, sun and fog fitting portion. 

Perfect fit! Being in Batutumonga will make you believe that the land above the clouds is not a mere fairy tale.

3. Bori Parinding dan Pohon Tarra

Talking about Tana Toraja can not always be separated from the unique type of tomb. Still in the area Batutumonga, precisely on the slopes of Mount Sesean, there are also tombs of ancient stone one of them is a popular Parinding Bori.

Bori Parinding located in District Sesean and Lo'ko Mata in District Sesean Suloara. Bori Parinding is an ancient burial complex that has been used since 1717. 

Not all the bodies would be buried in Bori Parinding. Only the noble families who are descendants Ramba only that his body be buried in the ancient cemetery.

Bori Parinding uniqueness that no other stone tomb complex is a stone-giant menhir stone placed in front of Bori Parinding. The menhir stones will function as a pole to tie the buffalo, dwarf buffalo, pigs, and cows to be slaughtered at a funeral held Signs Solo.

In Bori Parinding, there is also a special tomb intended for infant who died. Uniquely, this tomb is not located in the proper rock tomb complex is typical in Tana Toraja, but is in a tree. 

Tarra tree name. Areas where trees are named Tarra Passiliran or Kambira Baby Grave. Equivalent names in a foreign language is deliberately given because the area where the tree Tarra has become one of the attractions in Tana Toraja.

If the baby is the son of Tana Toraja citizens died, his remains will be buried in the body of Tarra tree. Not all the baby's body can be buried in this tree but only baby teeth have not grown. 

The reason, according to public confidence in Tana Toraja, a baby who has not had teeth is still considered sacred.
Tarra tree itself has a diameter of about 80 cm and is estimated to have hundreds of years old. In this tree, there are several fibers derived from palm tree clinging to a tree trunk Tarra.

If there is a dead baby, in the tree will be created holes to be used as a tomb for the remains of the baby. Then, after the baby's body is laid, the hole will be closed with the fibers in the trunks of trees Tarra.

There is a separate trust embraced Tana Toraja society regarding the burial remains of a baby in a tree Tarra. They believe that by burying the baby in the Tarra tree, the baby like he was returned to his mother's womb. 

They also have the hope that the babies born later from the mother's womb the baby who died will be saved.
Besides, why should a tree Tarra? Because the Tarra tree contains a large white sap. The content of the sap is considered as a substitute for breast milk for babies who have died and are buried in Tarra tree.

4. Ranteallo

Want to see for yourself valuable fantastic striped buffalo up to 1 billion? Come to Ranteallo during a visit to Tana Toraja. In Ranteallo, there is a complex of traditional Toraja houses whose position face to face.

Ranteallo itself is actually an area located in District Tallunglipu which is a residential area residents. On the back of people's houses, pigsties and buffaloes are reared specifically for resale if there are people who will hold ceremonies.

Pigs in Ranteallo weighs varied. There is also a pig that weighs about 200 kilograms and valued around Rp 15 million. Not only pigs, you can also find buffalo spotted here.

Striped buffalo buffalo is one of the unique and rare. Because the buffalo also known by the name Tedong Saleko Buffalo buffalo are the most expensive type of all types of buffalo in Tana Toraja. Prices spotted buffalo could reach up to 1 billion rupiah.

Saleko Tedong buffalo has a white base color but mixed with black at some point part of his body. The combination of white and black color makes it look striped buffalo. 

In addition, unique again, if the usual buffalo have black eyes or brown, another case with Buffalo Tedong Saleko or buffalo spotted. These buffalo have eyeballs that are white with yellow golden horn.

Especially at funerals Signs Solo, buffaloes are sacrificed amounted ranging from tens to hundreds. Type any buffalo sacrificed at the same time indicate the social status of citizens who sacrifice. 

Buffalo buffalo kind Tedong is known to have very fantastic price and is normally chosen among the nobility for sacrifice funerals Signs Solo. The higher a person's social status in Tana Toraja, usually the number and types of buffaloes are sacrificed also higher.

5. Museum Ne’ Gandeng

Turning to the history of travel, you should visit the Museum Ne'Gandeng when visiting Tana Toraja. Ne Museum 'Takes located in the village Palangi, District Sa'dan Balusu, Toraja.

This museum is a museum that is under nanungan Foundation for Large Families Ne 'Cooperate. Ne 'Hold itself is one of the elders or ancestors in Tana Toraja who had died on August 3, 1994 ago.

The history of the formation of this museum originated from the magnanimity Ne 'Cooperate during his lifetime. 

Ne 'Hold is a very caring person and has a lot of attention to the life of the surrounding community. In fact, as quoted by Kompas Travel, according to Peter Pasulu who is the youngest Ne'Gandeng, Ne 'Cooperate had proposed that electricity could enter the village at the cost of selling the buffalo.

Some time later, Ne'Gandeng died. Before you set up as a museum, this museum is where the implementation of the funeral procession Ne'Gandeng. 

Then, departing from the magnanimity Ne 'Cooperate as one of the elders and ancestors in Tana Toraja, came the idea to build a museum Ne' Cooperate in honor of the ancestors. 

Toraja is one of the tribes in Indonesia who honored his ancestors.
Since then, the museum's construction continues. Until now, if a visit to the Museum Ne 'Cooperate, you will see the lodges shaped Toraja traditional house. 

This cottage was deliberately set up as a place to rest and stay for families and guests who come on pilgrimage to the tomb of Ne'Gandeng. The museum is also intended for residents of Tana Toraja who also want to hold a funeral procession for her family members.

6. Pallawa

Do not just finish the trip after a visit to the Museum Ne 'Cooperate. Come to the Pallava, you will see immediately Tongkonan which is the ancestral home of Toraja residents a place to store bodies before burial.

From the city which is the capital Rantepao Toraja district, you need to cover a distance of about 12 km to go Pallawa. 

In Pallava, there are rows Tongkonan Toraja traditional house-shaped building with a curved roof like a boat and consist of a bamboo structure. At the front Tongkonan, there are some buffalo horn that has been dried and neatly organized.

Looking to the inside Tongkonan, there are some rooms of which was the room used as a bedroom, kitchen room, and a room reserved for storing corpses or corpse during the funeral procession lasted Signs Solo. 

Meanwhile, on the side there Tongkonan rice storage barns. Society for Tana Toraja, house or Tongkonan is the symbol of the mother, while the barn is the epitome of the father because the father is the opening of the land. 

7. Air Terjun Sarambu Assing

Satisfied traveled culture and history in Tana Toraja, it's time you feel the freshness of Niagara Sarambu assing. Located in Lembang Patongloan, District Bittuang, Tana Toraja, this waterfall has ketingggian about 40 meters.

Springs from this waterfall comes from the mountains and forests that surround the waterfall. To reach the waterfall location is also not so difficult, can use two-wheeled vehicles and four wheels. Suitable for those who want to feel the different nuances of Tana Toraja.

Unfortunately, the attraction of this waterfall is not yet fully developed. In fact, the potential of the regions where this waterfall is very large to be processed into a promising attraction. 

For example, by adding an artificial nature, tracking paths, bike trails, up to the camping area.
Guaranteed, local and foreign tourists who visit Tana Toraja will be many times the amount.
6 Travel you can enjoy in the Tana Toraja 6 Travel you can enjoy in the Tana Toraja Reviewed by Unknown on 1:37 AM Rating: 5

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